//Appends an element to the document var appendHtml = function (element, html) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; while (div.children.length > 0) { element.appendChild(div.children[0]); } } async function AddHeaderScripts() { Log("Jquery Check"); if ('undefined' == typeof window.jQuery) { var jQueryScript = document.createElement('script'); jQueryScript.setAttribute('src','https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js'); document.head.appendChild(jQueryScript); var count = 0; //Check if Jquery is running yet? while (!window.hasOwnProperty("jQuery")) { Log("waiting for jQuery"); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 250)); count++; //Stop infinateloop maxtime 5s if (count > 20) { break; } } } AddScripts() } function AddScripts() { if ('undefined' != typeof window.jQuery) { Log("jQuery Installed"); $("head").append($("").attr("src","https://www.c-level.earth//scripts/autocomplete/autocomplete-combined.js")); $("head").append($("")); Log("All header scripts loaded"); } else { Log("jQuery NOT Installed"); //Jquery didnt insert properly calculator wont run. alert("Jquery could not be installed, please refresh and try again."); } } //Global pramas var quoteParmId = getParameterByName("oid"); var cancelParm = getParameterByName("c"); /* START Global Functions */ //Gets a query string parameter by name function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&'); var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } //Hide all the steps in the calculator function HideStep() { $('.clevel-step').hide(); } //Reloads the page function ReloadPage() { Log("Page reload"); window.location.reload(); } //logging function Log(message) { if (balanceAPI.DeveloperMode) { console.log(message) } } //Get a property from an object by name function GetProperty(item, name) { if (item[name]) { return item[name]; } return "Key not found"; }; /* END Global Functions */ /* START API Functions */ async function FetchHtml(url){ var fetchedData = await fetch(url, {headers: {'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey},}) .then(response => response.text()) .then(responseBody => { Log("FetchHtml:Complete " +url) Log("FetchHtml:Text " +responseBody.toString()) return responseBody.toString(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); return fetchedData; } async function GetJSONFromAPI(url, result) { var fetchedData = await fetch(url, {headers: {'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},}) .then(response => response.json()) .then(responseBody => { Log("Fetch:Complete " +url) Log("Fetch:JSON " +JSON.stringify(responseBody)) result = responseBody; }) .catch(error => { Log(error); return null; }); return result; } function GetJQueryAPICall(url){ var result = null; $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: url, headers: { 'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, contentType: "application/json", async: false, error: function () { alert("An error has occured please check entered data and try again!"); } }).done(function (data) { Log("GetJQueryAPICall" +data); result = data; }); return result; } function PostUpdate(url, postData) { var _data = JSON.stringify(postData); Log("PostUpdate" +_data); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: balanceAPI.ApiUrl + url, headers: { 'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, contentType: "application/json", async: false, data: _data, error: function () { alert("An error has occured please check entered data and try again!"); } }).done(function (data) { balanceAPI.UpdateResponse = data; Log(data) }); } function PostCombine(postData) { var _data = JSON.stringify(postData); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: balanceAPI.ApiUrl + "/v1/quote/combine", headers: { 'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, contentType: "application/json", async: false, data: _data, error: function () { alert("An error has occured please check entered data and try again!"); balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = null; } }).done(function (data) { Log("PostCombine" +data) balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = data; }); } function PostCalculation(url, postData) { if(balanceAPI.Error) { return; } var _data = JSON.stringify(postData); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: balanceAPI.ApiUrl + url, headers: { 'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, contentType: "application/json", async: false, data: _data, error: function () { alert("An error has occured please check entered data and try again!"); //balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = null; try not resetting just not updating. return false; } }).done(function (data) { Log("PostCalculation" +data) //Do we already have a quote? if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails == null) { balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = data; return true; } Log("Combine needed"); currentQuoets = GetCombinedQuote(data.QuoteId); Log("Quote Combine" +JSON.stringify(currentQuoets)); PostCombine(currentQuoets); }); } /* END API Functions */ /* START Object Functions */ function GetCombinedQuote(quoteId) { var Quote = {QuoteIds:[]}; if(quoteId != null) { Quote.QuoteIds.push(quoteId); } var push = true; if(typeof balanceAPI.QuoteDetails !== undefined) { balanceAPI.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.forEach(function(item) { Quote.QuoteIds.push(item.QuoteId); push = false; }); if(push) { //We only have one quote, push Quote.QuoteIds.push(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.QuoteId); } } return Quote; } function GetUpdateObject() { var QuoteId = balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.QuoteId; var Personalisation = ""; var CertificateSendEmail = ""; var perObj = $("input[name='clevel-cert-name']"); if (typeof perObj != 'undefined') { Personalisation = $(perObj).val(); } var emailObject = $("input[name='clevel-cert-email']"); if (typeof emailObject != 'undefined') { CertificateSendEmail = $(emailObject).val(); } var SendCertificate = balanceAPI.SendCertificate; var Reference = balanceAPI.Referance; var UrlReferer = window.location.href; UrlReferer = UrlReferer.replace(/\#.*/, ''); UrlReferer = UrlReferer.replace(/\?.+/g, "$'"); return { QuoteId, CertificateSendEmail, Personalisation, SendCertificate, Reference, UrlReferer, }; } //Checks is the broswer is mobile width function MobileCheck() { var isMobile = window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 559px)").matches; if(isMobile) { return true; } } function ScrollToResolver(elem) { // Check if elem is not null and is a DOM element if (!elem || !(elem instanceof Element)) { return; } var jump = parseInt(elem.getBoundingClientRect().top * .2); document.body.scrollTop += jump; document.documentElement.scrollTop += jump; //lastjump detects anchor unreachable, also manual scrolling to cancel animation if scroll > jump if (!elem.lastjump || elem.lastjump > Math.abs(jump)) { elem.lastjump = Math.abs(jump); setTimeout(function() { ScrollToResolver(elem); }, "100"); } else { elem.lastjump = null; } } function formatZeroPadding(dateString) { return dateString < 10 ? '0' + dateString : dateString.toString(); } function ClearFormForNextCalculation() { // Check if the elements exist and then set their values to an empty string if ($("#clevel-from").length) { $("#clevel-from").val(""); } if ($("#clevel-to").length) { $("#clevel-to").val(""); } } /* END Object Functions */ //Flight prams in queryString var clevelFlightFrom = getParameterByName("clevelfrom"); var clevelFlightTo = getParameterByName("clevelto"); var clevelFlightClass = getParameterByName("clevelclass"); var clevelFlightPassangers = getParameterByName("clevelpass"); var flightHtmlDashSteps = "
"; //Set and changes the dashset settings function DashStepSettings() { } //Sets and shows the correct step function ShowStep() { HideStep(); DashStepSettings(); $(balanceAPI.Step).show(); $(".clevel-step-dash>div").removeClass("select"); DashStepSettings(); //dash step name var dashStep = balanceAPI.Step +"-dash"; $(dashStep).addClass("select"); //Show the correct buttons $(".clevel-add-another").hide(); $(".clevel-offset").hide(); $(".clevel-calculate").show(); Log("ShowStep()"); Log("Show Step" +dashStep); //Scroll to new step top. var srcollElementId = balanceAPI.Step.replace('.', ''); Log("Call scroll with element " +srcollElementId); var element = document.getElementById(srcollElementId); ScrollToResolver(element); } var balanceAPI = { ApiKey: "724c96d3-b874-495f-9a40-f4996328c575", ApiUrl: "https://api.c-level.earth", Calculator:"Flight", CalculatorHtmlUrl: "", CalculationHtml: "", CalculatorElement: "clevel-calculator", CartHtml: "", DeveloperMode: false, Equivalence:null, HtmlRoot: "https://www.c-level.earth", Referance:"", Error:false, SandboxMode: false, SendCertificate:true, Step:".clevel-step-one", NavigationHtml: "", QuoteDetails:null, Initialize: function () { Initialize(); } }; async function SetEquivilance(calHtml) { var CO2Kg = parseInt(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.Co2Total_Kg); Log("CO2kg:" +CO2Kg); var url = balanceAPI.ApiUrl +"/v1/equivalence/co2/" +CO2Kg var _data = await GetJSONFromAPI(url, balanceAPI.Equivalence); Log("EQUDATA" +_data); balanceAPI.Equivalence = _data Log("balanceAPI.Equivalence" +JSON.stringify(balanceAPI.Equivalence)); var cal = document.getElementById(balanceAPI.CalculatorElement); if (cal) { balanceAPI.Equivalence.forEach(item => { var name = GetProperty(item, "Name") if(name == "Black Coffee") { calHtml = EquivilanceShow(calHtml, item, "ONE") } if(name == "Mobile") { calHtml = EquivilanceShow(calHtml, item, "TWO") } if(name == "Allowance") { calHtml = EquivilanceShow(calHtml, item, "THREE") } }); Log("Calculator Replaced HTML:" +calHtml) } return calHtml; } function EquivilanceShow(calHtml, item, EQUTEXT){ var iconName = "==EQU" +EQUTEXT +"ICON==" var icon = GetProperty(item, "FontAwesomeIconCss") var textName = "==EQU" +EQUTEXT +"TEXT==" var textDescription = GetProperty(item, "Description") var totalName = "==EQU" +EQUTEXT +"NUMBER==" var total = GetProperty(item, "Total") var unitName = "==EQU" +EQUTEXT +"UNIT==" var unit = GetProperty(item, "Unit") var totalFixed = 0; if(total > 0) { totalFixed = total.toFixed(0) } calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll(iconName,icon); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll(textName, textDescription); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll(totalName, totalFixed); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll(unitName, unit); Log("Calhtml equivilance replaced"); return calHtml; } function SetBloodHound() { autocomplete = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 20, sufficient: 20, remote: { url: balanceAPI.ApiUrl + '/v1/airport/autocomplete/', prepare: function (query, settings) { settings.url = settings.url + query, settings.headers = { 'apikey': balanceAPI.ApiKey, }; return settings; }, filter: function (autocomplete) { // Map the remote source JSON array to a JavaScript object array return autocomplete.map(function (item) { if (item) { // Check if the item is not null return { value: item.IataCode + '-' + item.AirportName, text: item.AirportName }; } return null; }).filter(function (item) { return item !== null; }); // This will remove any null values from the mapped array } } }); autocomplete.initialize(); Log("SetBloodhound - complete") } function SetAutoComplete(htmlObject) { Log("SetAutoComplete on:" +htmlObject.attr("id")) // Instantiate the Typeahead UI htmlObject.typeahead(null, { displayKey: 'value', limit: 19, // This controls the number of suggestions displayed source: autocomplete.ttAdapter(), templates: { suggestion: Handlebars.compile("{{value}}

"), footer: Handlebars.compile("Searched for '{{query}}'") } }); } /* START CART FUNCTIONS */ async function BuildCart(){ var cartHtml = ""; var cartTemplateUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/Html/Cart"; var cartSingleLineHtml = await FetchHtml(cartTemplateUrl); //No quote is Set if (balanceAPI.QuoteDetails === undefined || balanceAPI.QuoteDetails === null) { Log("No quotes") balanceAPI.CartHtml = cartHtml; } else { cartHtml = ""; //Add heading to the cart. cartHtml = '

Items Added:

' //We have single quote if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.Quotes === undefined || balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.Quotes === null){ cartHtml = cartHtml +CartOrderlineHtml(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails, cartSingleLineHtml); } else { //We have mulitple quotes balanceAPI.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.forEach(item => { var result = CartOrderlineHtml(item, cartSingleLineHtml); cartHtml = cartHtml +result; }); } } balanceAPI.CartHtml = "
" + cartHtml +"
"; //Are we replacing the current cart? var cartElement = document.getElementsByName("clevel-cart-continer"); Log("Element found:" +cartElement) if(cartElement) { Log("CartHtml: replaced") $(".clevel-cart-continer").replaceWith(balanceAPI.CartHtml); } //Set the cart functions CartFunctions(); } function CartOrderlineHtml(quoteDetails, cartSingleLineHtml) { var newCartLine = cartSingleLineHtml; var tonnesCO2 = GetProperty(quoteDetails, "Co2Total_Tonne"); var shortDescription = GetProperty(quoteDetails, "ShortDescription"); var metaDataHtml = CartMetaData(quoteDetails.MetaData); var quoteId = GetProperty(quoteDetails, "QuoteId"); newCartLine = newCartLine.replaceAll("==QUOTEID==", quoteId); newCartLine = newCartLine.replaceAll("==CO2TONNES==", tonnesCO2); newCartLine = newCartLine.replaceAll("==SHORTDISCRIPTION==", shortDescription); newCartLine = newCartLine.replaceAll("==METADATA==", metaDataHtml); return newCartLine; } function CartMetaData(metaData) { var str = ""; if (typeof metaData != 'undefined') { metaData.forEach(item => { var metaDataString = "
  • ==NAME==:==VALUE==
  • "; var metaName = GetProperty(item, "Name"); var metaValue = GetProperty(item, "Value"); metaDataString = metaDataString.replace("==NAME==", metaName); metaDataString = metaDataString.replace("==VALUE==", metaValue); str = str + metaDataString; }); } return str; } function CartFunctions() { $(".cart-view").click(function() { Log("cart view toggle"); var showElement = $(this).nextAll(".cart-item"); Log("Element to toggle:" +showElement) showElement.toggle(); }); $(".cart-delete").click(function() { var quoteId = $(this).data("quoteid") Log("Cart-Delete-Click: " +quoteId) CartDelete(quoteId); BuildCart(); }); } function CartDelete(quoteId) { var mainQuoteId = GetProperty(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails, "QuoteId"); if(mainQuoteId == quoteId) { balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = null;//There was only one quote just blank it. Log("Cart-item-cleared-removed:" +quoteId); ReloadPage(); return; } //Do we have lots of quotes find index in array and remove. balanceAPI.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.forEach(function(item, index, object) { var itemQuoyeId = GetProperty(item,"QuoteId") if (itemQuoyeId === quoteId) { object.splice(index, 1); Log("Cart-item-removed:" +quoteId); } }); Log("Cart-item-count:" +balanceAPI.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.length); //Have we removed all the quotes? if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.length == 0) { ReloadPage(); return; } //Replace the current calulation back to the replacment text if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-calculation") { $(".clevel-step-calculation").replaceWith(balanceAPI.CalculationHtml); currentQuoets = GetCombinedQuote(); Log("Quote Combine" +JSON.stringify(currentQuoets)); PostCombine(currentQuoets); Calculate(); ShowCalculation(); } } async function Initialize() { //First make sure all scripts are on the page await AddHeaderScripts(); Log("balanceAPI.SandboxMode" +balanceAPI.SandboxMode); if(balanceAPI.SandboxMode) { Log("Model.ApiSandboxRootUrl:https://sandbox-api.c-level.earth"); balanceAPI.ApiUrl = "https://sandbox-api.c-level.earth"; balanceAPI.HtmlRoot = "https://sandbox.c-level.earth"; } Log("balanceAPI.ApiUrl" +balanceAPI.ApiUrl); Log("balanceAPI.HtmlRoot" +balanceAPI.HtmlRoot); var bootstrapCss = '' appendHtml(document.head, bootstrapCss); var customCssUrl = '' appendHtml(document.head, customCssUrl); if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Flight") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/flightcalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/flightcalculator" } if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Accommodation") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/accommodationcalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/accommodationcalculator" } if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Business") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/businesscalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/businesscalculator" } if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Carbon") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/carboncalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/carboncalculator" } if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Car") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/carcalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/carcalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Tree") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/treecalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/treecalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Gas") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/gascalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/gascalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Electric") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/electriccalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/electriccalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Percapita") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/percapitacalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/percapitacalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmProduction") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/filmproductioncalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/filmproductioncalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmLights") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/filmlightscalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/filmlightscalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmLocation") { balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/filmlocationcalculator" balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/filmlocationcalculator" } //Multistep cals if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Energy") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/energycalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/energycalculator" } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Film") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/filmcalculator"; balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/filmcalculator"; } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Travel") { balanceAPI.NavigationHtml = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/htmlnavigation/travelcalculator" balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl = balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/travelcalculator" } BuildCart(); BuildHtml(); CartFunctions(); }; function Calculate() { Log("Calculate() called"); balanceAPI.Error = false; //Set the client referance if there is one for the quote if($('#clevel-clientref').length) { var _ref = $("#clevel-clientref").val(); if(_ref) { balanceAPI.Referance = _ref; Log("Referance set:" +balanceAPI.Referance); } } //Call the correct Calculate function if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Flight" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-flight") { FlightCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Accommodation" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-accommodation") { AccommodationCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Business") { BusinessCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Carbon") { CarbonCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Car" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-car") { CarCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Gas" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-gas") { GasCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Electric" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-electric") { ElectricCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmProduction" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-filmproduction") { FilmProductionCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmLights" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-filmlights") { FilmLightsCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "FilmLocation" || balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-filmlocation") { FilmLocationCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Tree") { TreeCalculate(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Percapita") { PerCapitaCalculate(); } //MultiStep start points if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Energy") { if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-one") { GasCalculate(); } } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Business") { if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-one") { BusinessCalculate(); } } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Film") { if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-one") { FilmLocationCalculate(); } } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Travel") { if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-one") { FlightCalculate(); } } }; async function SetNavigation() { //Remove the selected tag from nav $("a").removeClass("clevel-nav-selected"); Log("SetNavigation()"); var navSelector = balanceAPI.Step.replace('-dash',''); navSelector = navSelector.replace('step','next'); Log("Nav selector:" +navSelector); if($(navSelector)) { $(navSelector).addClass("clevel-nav-selected"); } //Next Steps $(".clevel-next-calculation").click(function() { Log("clevel-net-calculation click()") //Only show cal if there is a QuoteDetails if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails) { ShowCalculation(); } else { if(!balanceAPI.Error) { alert("You cant see the results until you have made an offset"); } balanceAPI.Error = true; } }) $(".clevel-next-flight").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-flight" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-filmlights").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-filmlights" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-filmlocation").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-filmlocation" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-filmproduction").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-filmproduction" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-car").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-car" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-accommodation").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-accommodation" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-gas").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-gas" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) $(".clevel-next-electric").click(function() { balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-electric" ShowStep(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); }) } async function ButtonEvents() { Log("ButtonEvents() called") //Add item without moving. $(".clevel-add").click(function() { Log("clevel-add click()") Calculate(); if(!balanceAPI.Error) { BuildCart(); ShowAddAnother() } var srcollElementId = balanceAPI.Step.replace('.', ''); if(element == null || element.length === 0) { //Cant find the correct element scroll to the top srcollElementId = "clevel-calculator"; } var element = document.getElementById(srcollElementId); Log("Call scroll with element " +srcollElementId); ScrollToResolver(element); }) $('.clevel-add-another-button').click(function() { $(".clevel-calculate").show(); $(".clevel-add-another").hide(); var srcollElementId = balanceAPI.Step.replace('.', ''); Log("Call scroll with element " +srcollElementId); ScrollToResolver(document.getElementById(srcollElementId)); // Check if the elements exist and then set their values to an empty string ClearFormForNextCalculation(); }) $("#clevel-show-price").click(function() { Log("clevel-show-price click()") ShowCalculation(); }) $("#clevel-calculate-price").click(function() { Log("clevel-calculate-price click()") Calculate(); ShowCalculation(); //Wait setTimeout(function (){}, 500); //Scroll to element ScrollToResolver(document.getElementById("clevel-step-calculation")); }) } async function BuildProjectHtml(calHtml) { var projectsHtml = await FetchHtml(balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/projects/" +balanceAPI.ApiKey); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==PROJECTS==", projectsHtml); return calHtml } async function BuildNavigationHtml(calculatorHtml) { //Add the navigation var navigationResultsHtml = ""; if(balanceAPI.NavigationHtml.length) { var navigationResultsHtml = await FetchHtml(balanceAPI.NavigationHtml); } calculatorHtml = calculatorHtml.toString().replaceAll("==NAVIGATION==", navigationResultsHtml); return calculatorHtml; } async function Settings() { //Set the settings if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Flight") { await FlightSettings() } //Apply settings if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Business") { await BusinessSettings(); } //Apply settings if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Carbon") { await CarbonSettings(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Car") { await CarSettings(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Gas") { await GasSettings(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Energy") { await GasSettings(); } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Film") { await CarSettings(); await FlightSettings() } if(balanceAPI.Calculator == "Travel") { await FlightSettings(); await CarSettings(); } } async function BuildHtml() { var cal = document.getElementById(balanceAPI.CalculatorElement); if (cal) { //Build Caclulation results HTML template var calulatorResultsHtml = await FetchHtml(balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/calculation"); calulatorResultsHtml = calulatorResultsHtml.toString().replaceAll('==CART==', balanceAPI.CartHtml); balanceAPI.CalculationHtml = calulatorResultsHtml; //Build full calculator HTML var calculatorHtml = await FetchHtml(balanceAPI.CalculatorHtmlUrl); calculatorHtml = calculatorHtml.toString().replaceAll("==CALCULATION==", calulatorResultsHtml); calculatorHtml = calculatorHtml.toString().replaceAll('==CART==', balanceAPI.CartHtml); calculatorHtml = await BuildProjectHtml(calculatorHtml); calculatorHtml = await BuildNavigationHtml(calculatorHtml); //Set the Calculator inner HTML cal.innerHTML = calculatorHtml; if (typeof c !== "undefined" && c != null) { alert("Your transaction has been canceled") window.location.replace(location.pathname); } if (typeof quoteParmId !== "undefined" && quoteParmId != null) { Log("Quote id found"); OrderCompleted(); } else { Settings(); //Set the default dsah steps DashStepSettings(); SetNavigation(); ButtonEvents(); } } else { Log("element
    is missing from the page"); } } function InitFunctions() { Log("InitFunctions"); $("#clevel-purchase").click(function() { Log("Purchase click") Purchase(); }); $("#clevel-balance-now").click(function() { var element = document.getElementById("clevel-purchase"); Log("Scoll to clevel-purchase") ScrollToResolver(element); }); $('#clevel-balance-more').click(function() { Log("Reload Page") window.location.replace(location.pathname); }) } function Purchase() { Log("Complete click"); var updateOffset = GetUpdateObject(); var url = "/v1/quote/update"; PostUpdate(url, updateOffset); var url = balanceAPI.UpdateResponse.CheckOutUrl; Log("CheckOutUrl" +url) if (url == "invoice") { var url = window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0]; url = url + "?oid=" + balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.QuoteId; Log("redirect url:" + url); window.location.replace(url); } Log("redirect url:" + url); window.location.replace(url); } async function OrderCompleted() { Log("Order complete"); var url = balanceAPI.ApiUrl + "/v1/quote/purchase/" +quoteParmId var result = ""; result = await GetJSONFromAPI(url, result); balanceAPI.QuoteDetails = result; ShowComplete(); } function ShowAddAnother() { //Dont hid the calculator if we have an error. if(balanceAPI.Error) { balanceAPI.Error = false;//Reset error as it has been shown. return; } $(".clevel-calculate").hide(); $(".clevel-offset").show(); $(".clevel-add-another").show(); if(balanceAPI.Step == ".clevel-step-calculation") { return; } } async function ShowCalculation() { Log("ShowCalculation()"); balanceAPI.Error = false; //Check we have item in if(balanceAPI?.QuoteDetails == null) { return; } balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-calculation" HideStep(); Log("BuildCart()"); await BuildCart(); await BuildCompleteCalculationHtml(); ShowStep(); ButtonEvents(); CartFunctions(); SetNavigation(); Settings(); //If we have a referance add it to the certificate name field var referance = balanceAPI.Referance; if(referance.length) { document.getElementById('clevel-cert-name').value = referance; } } async function ShowComplete() { Log("ShowComplete()"); balanceAPI.Step = ".clevel-step-complete"; HideStep(); Log("BuildCart()"); await BuildCart(); await BuildCompleteCalculationHtml(); CartFunctions(); ShowStep(); $('.clevel-cart').hide(); $('.clevel-cart-complete').show(); } async function BuildCompleteCalculationHtml() { //Replace the calculation with a new blank one! var calulatorResultsHtml = await FetchHtml(balanceAPI.HtmlRoot + "/html/calculation"); var newBlankCalculation = calulatorResultsHtml; //Are we replacing the current cart? var cartElement = document.getElementById("clevel-calculation-container"); Log("Calculator Element found:" +cartElement) if(cartElement) { $("#clevel-calculation-container").replaceWith(calulatorResultsHtml); Log("Calculator Html: replaced") } //Replace all content var cal = document.getElementById(balanceAPI.CalculatorElement); var calHtml = ""; if (cal) { var totalPrice = balanceAPI?.QuoteDetails?.TotalPrice; if(balanceAPI?.QuoteDetails?.TotalPrice > 1) { totalPrice = totalPrice.toFixed(2) } calHtml = cal.innerHTML; if(typeof balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.TotalTrees != "undefined" && balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.TotalTrees != 0) { calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETH1==", "YOUR IMPACT"); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETCTA==", "PLANT TREES"); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETFINALCATH2==", "BALANCE MY IMPACT"); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETTOTAL==", balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.TotalTrees); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETTOTALTEXT==", "TREE(S) PLANTED"); } else { calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETH1==", "YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT") calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETCTA==", "BALANCE MY CARBON"); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETFINALCATH2==", "BALANCE MY CARBON"); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETTOTAL==", balanceAPI.QuoteDetails.Co2Total_Tonne); calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETTOTALTEXT==", "TONNES CO2"); } calHtml = calHtml.toString().replaceAll("==OFFSETTOTALCOST==", totalPrice); var calHtmlWithEq = await SetEquivilance(calHtml); Log("Calculator Replaced HTML"); var calWithProjects = await BuildProjectHtml(calHtmlWithEq); var calWithNav = await BuildNavigationHtml(calWithProjects); calWithNav = calWithNav.toString().replaceAll('==CART==', balanceAPI.CartHtml); cal.innerHTML = calWithNav; InitFunctions(); } } function CheckQuotePart(quoteType) { if(balanceAPI?.QuoteDetails?.Quotes?.includes(quoteType)) { return true; } return false; } function RequiredText(htmlElement) { if(!balanceAPI.Error) { htmlElement.removeClass("error"); } var result = htmlElement.val(); if(result == null) { balanceAPI.Error = true; } if (result.length === 0) { balanceAPI.Error = true; } if(balanceAPI.Error) { htmlElement.addClass("error"); htmlElement.focus(); return true; } return false; } function RequiredNumber(htmlElement) { Log("RequiredNumber" +JSON.stringify(htmlElement)); if(!balanceAPI.Error) { htmlElement.removeClass("error"); } if(!RequiredText(htmlElement)) { var result = htmlElement.val(); if ($.isNumeric(result)) { return false; } balanceAPI.Error = true; htmlElement.focus(); htmlElement.addClass("error"); return true; } return false; } /* START FilmLocations Cal */ function FilmLocationCalculate() { var cal = { Description: "Film Location Offset", CountryCode: "GB", CurrencyCode: "GBP", Reference: balanceAPI.Referance } Log("Cal Referance Set:" +cal.Reference); var _countryCode = $("#clevel-filmlocation-countrycode").val(); var _externalCrew = $("#clevel-filmlocation-externalcrew").val(); var _shootlocation = $("#clevel-filmlocation-location").val(); var _shootDuration = $("#clevel-filmlocation-duration").val(); var _localCrew = $("#clevel-filmlocation-localcrew").val(); cal.LocalCrew = Number(_localCrew); cal.ExternalCrew = Number(_externalCrew); cal.DurationDays = Number(_shootDuration); cal.CountryCode = _countryCode; cal.ShootCityLocation = _shootlocation; //Validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmlocation-externalcrew")); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmlocation-localcrew")); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmlocation-duration")); Log("filmlocation calculate complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/filmlocation", cal); } /* END FilmLocations Cal */ /* START FilmLights Cal */ function FilmLightsCalculate() { var cal = { CountryCode: "GB", CurrencyCode: "GBP", LightNumber: 1, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, LightType: "Key", DurationDays: 2 } var _countryCode = $("#clevel-filmlights-countrycode").val(); var _lightingType = $("#clevel-filmlights-type").val(); var _shootlocation = $("#clevel-filmlights-shootlocation").val(); var _shootDuration = $("#clevel-filmlights-shootDuration").val(); var _totalLights = $("#clevel-filmlights-lights").val(); cal.LightNumber = Number(_totalLights); cal.DurationDays = Number(_shootDuration); Log("filmlights duration:" +cal.DurationDays); cal.LightType = _lightingType; Log("filmlights duration:" +cal.DurationDays); cal.CountryCode = _countryCode; cal.ShootLocation = _shootlocation; //Validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmlights-shootDuration")); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmlights-lights")); Log("filmlights Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/filmlights", cal); } /* END FilmLights Cal */ /* START FilmProduction Cal */ function FilmProductionCalculate() { var cal = { Description: "Film Production Offset", CountryCode: "GB", CurrencyCode: "GBP", Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, ProductionType: "Edit" } var _countryCode = $("#clevel-filmproduction-countrycode").val(); var _productionType = $("#clevel-accommodation-type").val(); var _officeLocation = $("#clevel-filmproduction-officelocation").val(); var _durationDays = $("#clevel-filmproduction-duration").val(); var _totalPeople = $("#clevel-filmproduction-staff").val(); cal.TotalPeople = Number(_totalPeople); cal.DurationDays = Number(_durationDays); cal.ProductionType = _productionType; cal.CountryCode = _countryCode; cal.OfficeLocation = _officeLocation; //Validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmproduction-duration")); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-filmproduction-staff")); Log("filmproduction Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/filmproduction", cal); } /* END FilmProduction */ /* START Electricity Cal */ function ElectricCalculate() { var cal = { Description: "Electricity Offset", CountryCode: "GB", Amount: 1000, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } var _ammount = $("#clevel-electric-amount").val(); var _countryCode = $("#clevel-electric-countrycode").val(); cal.CountryCode = _countryCode; cal.Amount = Number(_ammount); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-electric-amount")); Log("Electricity Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/electricity", cal); } /* END Electric */ /* START Gas Cal */ function GasCalculate() { var cal = { Description: "Gas Offset", CountryCode: "UK", Unit: "kwh", Amount: 1000, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } var _amount = $("#clevel-gas-amount").val(); var _unitChecked = $("#btn-gas-m3").attr("checked"); if (_unitChecked === "checked") { cal.Unit = "m3"; } cal.Amount = Number(_amount); Log("Gas Calculate: complete"); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-gas-amount")); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/gas", cal); } function GasSettings() { $(".clevel-gas-unit").click(function () { $(".clevel-gas-unit").removeClass('bg-colour-one'); $(".clevel-gas-unit").removeAttr("checked"); $(this).addClass('bg-colour-one'); $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); }) } /* END Gas */ /* START PerCapita Cal */ function PerCapitaCalculate() { var cal ={ CountryCode: "GB", TotalPeople: 1, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } var _people = $("#clevel-percapita-people").val(); cal.TotalPeople = Number(_people); var _countryCode = $("#clevel-percapita-country").val(); cal.CountryCode = _countryCode; Log("PerCapita Calculate: complete"); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-percapita-people")); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/percapita", cal); } /* END PerCapita Cal */ /* START Tree Cal */ function TreeCalculate() { var cal = { Trees: 1, Reference: "", CurrencyCode: "GBP", Reference: balanceAPI.Reference } var _treesToPlant = $("#clevel-tree-amount").val(); cal.Trees = Number(_treesToPlant); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-tree-amount")); //only post if no error Log("Tree Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/planttrees", cal); } /* END Tree Cal */ /* START Business Cal */ function BusinessCalculate() { Log("Business Calculate: start"); var cal = { FromDate:"2023/01/01", ToDate:"2023/01/01", CountryCode:"UK", OrganisationSize:"", HomeEmployee:1, OfficeEmployee:1, OfficeSizem2:200, HomeWorkPercentage:50, Reference:"" } //Populate var _fromMonth = $("#clevel-business-frommonth").val(); var _fromYear = $("#clevel-business-fromyear").val(); cal.ToDate = _fromYear + '-' + formatZeroPadding(_fromMonth) + '-01'; var _toMonth = $("#clevel-business-tomonth").val(); var _toYear = $("#clevel-business-toyear").val(); cal.ToDate = _toYear + '-' + formatZeroPadding(_toMonth) + '-01'; var _organisation = $("#clevel-business-org").val(); cal.OrganisationSize = _organisation; //Check validation Log("#clevel-clientref"); RequiredText($("#clevel-clientref")); Log("#clevel-business-peoplehome"); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-business-peoplehome")); Log("#clevel-business-homepercent"); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-business-homepercent")); Log("#clevel-business-peopleoffice"); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-business-peopleoffice")); Log("#clevel-business-officesizem2"); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-business-officesizem2")); var _clientRef = $("#clevel-clientref").val(); cal.Reference = _clientRef; var _peopleHome = $("#clevel-business-peoplehome").val(); cal.HomeEmployee = Number(_peopleHome); var _peopleOffice = $("#clevel-business-peopleoffice").val(); cal.OfficeEmployee = Number(_peopleOffice); var _officeSize_m2 = $("#clevel-business-officesizem2").val(); cal.OfficeSizem2 = Number(_officeSize_m2); var _homePercent = $("#clevel-business-homepercent").val(); cal.HomeWorkPercentage = Number(_homePercent); Log("Business Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/business", cal); } function BusinessSettings() { } /* END Carbon */ /* START Car Cal */ function CarCalculate() { var cal = { Size: "Small", Type: "Petrol", Distance: 1, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, DistanceMeasurement: "Km" } //Populate var _carSize = $("#clevel-car-size").val(); var _carType = $("#clevel-car-type").val(); cal.Size = _carSize; cal.Type = _carType; var _unitChecked = $("#btn-miles").attr("checked"); if (_unitChecked === "checked") { cal.DistanceMeasurement = "Miles"; } var _Distance = $("#clevel-car-distance").val(); cal.Distance = Number(_Distance); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-car-distance")); Log("Car Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/car", cal); } function CarSettings() { $(".clevel-car-unit").click(function () { $(".clevel-car-unit").removeClass('bg-colour-one'); $(".clevel-car-unit").removeAttr("checked"); $(this).addClass('bg-colour-one'); $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); }) } /* END Carbon */ /* START Carbon Cal */ function CarbonCalculate() { var cal = { Description: "Carbon offset", Unit: "Kg", Co2Amount: 1, Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } var _co2Ammount = $("#clevel-carbon-amount").val(); var _unitChecked = $("#btn-tonne").attr("checked"); if (_unitChecked === "checked") { cal.Unit = "Tonne"; } cal.Co2Amount = Number(_co2Ammount); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-carbon-amount")); Log("Carbon Calculate: complete"); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/carbon", cal); } function CarbonSettings() { $(".clevel-carbon-unit").click(function () { $(".clevel-carbon-unit").removeClass('bg-colour-one'); $(".clevel-carbon-unit").removeAttr("checked"); $(this).addClass('bg-colour-one'); $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); }) } /* END Carbon */ //API Calls /* START Accommodation */ function AccommodationCalculate() { var cal = { Guests: 1, Nights: 1, AccomodationType: "Hotel", CountryCode:"UK", Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } //Populate var _guests = $("#clevel-accommodation-guests").val(); var _countryCode = $("#clevel-accommodation-countrycode").val(); var _nights = $("#clevel-accommodation-nights").val(); var _accomodationType = $("#clevel-accommodation-type").val(); cal.Guests = Number(_guests) cal.Nights = Number(_nights) cal.CountryCode = _countryCode cal.AccomodationType = _accomodationType Log("AccommodationCalculate: complete"); //Check validation RequiredNumber($("#clevel-accommodation-nights")); RequiredNumber($("#clevel-accommodation-guests")); PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/accommodation", cal); } /* END Accommodation */ /* START Flight Functions */ async function FlightSettings() { if (balanceAPI.Calculator == "Flight" || balanceAPI.Calculator == "Travel" || balanceAPI.Calculator == "Film") { SetBloodHound(); SetAutoComplete($('#clevel-from')); SetAutoComplete($('#clevel-to')); $(".clevel-flight-trip").click(function () { $(".clevel-flight-trip").removeClass('bg-colour-two'); $(".clevel-flight-trip").removeAttr("checked"); $(this).addClass('bg-colour-two'); $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); }) } $("#clevel-from").focusout(function () { var result = CheckIataCode($("#clevel-from")); Log("clevel-to check:" +result); }); $("#clevel-to").focusout(function () { var result = CheckIataCode($("#clevel-to")); Log("clevel-to check:" +result); }); } function FlightCalculate() { var cal = { IataCodes: [], IsReturn: false, Passengers: 1, Class: "Economy", Reference: balanceAPI.Reference, CurrencyCode: "GBP" } //Populate var _fromAirport = $("#clevel-from").val(); var _passangerNumber = $("#clevel-passengers").val(); var _toAirport = $("#clevel-to").val(); var _roundTrip = $("#btn-return").attr("checked"); var _flightClass = $("#clevel-flightclass").val(); var _fromIataCode = _fromAirport.substring(0, 3); var _toIataCode = _toAirport.substring(0, 3); if (!CheckIataCode($("#clevel-from"))) { if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails == null) { alert("Error on FROM airport, Please use three letter airport code or autocomplete."); $("#clevel-from").focus(); balanceAPI.Error = true; return; } } if (!CheckIataCode($("#clevel-to"))) { if(balanceAPI.QuoteDetails == null) { alert("Error on TO airport, Please use three letter airport code or autocomplete."); $("#clevel-to").focus() balanceAPI.Error = true; return; } } if (isNaN(_passangerNumber)) { alert("Passanger number is not a number"); return; } if (_roundTrip === "checked") { cal.IsReturn = true; } cal.IataCodes = [_fromIataCode, _toIataCode] cal.Passengers = _passangerNumber; cal.Class = _flightClass; Log("FlightCalculate: complete"); Log("From IATSA Code:" +_fromIataCode) PostCalculation("/v1/calculate/flight", cal); //Clear the form $("#clevel-from").val(null); $("#clevel-passengers").val(1); $("#clevel-to").val(null); } function CheckIataCode(htmlElement) { htmlElement.removeClass("error"); var airport = htmlElement.val(); if ((airport.indexOf("-") === -1 && airport.indexOf("-") !== 4) && (airport.length !== 3)) { var check = true; //Check if IATA codes passed in query string. if (typeof clevelFlightFrom !== "undefined" && clevelFlightFrom !== null) { check = false; } if (typeof clevelFlightTo !== "undefined" && clevelFlightTo !== null) { check = false; } if (check) { htmlElement.addClass("error"); return false; } } var iataCode = airport.substring(0, 3); if (typeof (iataCode) !== 'undefined' || iataCode !== null || iataCode !== "") { var url = balanceAPI.ApiUrl + "/v1/airport/details/" + iataCode var result = GetJQueryAPICall(url); Log("IATACode:" +JSON.stringify(result)); if(result == null) { airportData = null; htmlElement.addClass("error"); } else { airportData = result; htmlElement.addClass("success"); } } return true; } /* END Flight Functions */